University of the Punjab
Estb. 1882
PU exams result
Department of Public Relations & Advertising organizes Successful Excursion for BS students
PU awards ten PhD degrees
Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Hurria Hussein
Institute of Applied Psychology University of the Punjab, Lahore collaborated with Pakistan Psychological Association and held a session under the umbrella of the 15th International Conference of the Pakistan Psychological Association
Orientation Seminar on Full Bright Scholarship Programs
The Institute of Applied Psychology (IAP) organized a dynamic campaign on Smog awareness
The session under the umbrella of the 15th International Conference of the Pakistan Psychological Association (PPA)
PU CCP organizes certification workshop
Dr Lubna participates at int’l moot in Japan
PU: LLB online admission schedule
PU date sheets
Orientation Seminar on Fulbright Scholarship Programs on 13th November, 2024
PU, NAB organize event on Anti-Corruption
Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Safa Akhtar
PU delegation visits Iqbal mausoleum for offering Fateha
Iqbal’s ideology an atomic bomb of development for Pakistan: Ahsan Iqbal
Institute of Applied Psychology is thrilled to announce the success of 15th International Conference of PPA
Unlock the mysteries of your subconscious! Join our unique and fascinating workshop on Dreams
Ahsan Iqbal to address Iqbal seminar at PU
Call to promote Iqbal’s ideology among students
Thesis exhibition inaugurated at PU CAD
PU exams results
Dr. Lubna Zaheer Represents Pakistan at International Conference in Japan
PU announces online admission of associate degree
PU awards twelve PhD degrees
Workshop on Agar Art Competition at the Institute of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, University of the Punjab
Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Syeda Khair ul Bariyah
Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Maryam Bashir
Ph.D. Public Defense and Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Sabir Ali Saddiqui